#!/bin/bash # Author: Kevin Wentworth # Author: Chris Koeritz # checks the chosen site into the online git repository. export THISDIR="$( \cd "$(\dirname "$0")" && \pwd )" # obtain the script's working directory. ############################ # main body of script. # check for parameters. app_dirname="$1"; shift repo_name="$1"; shift source "$THISDIR/shared_site_mgr.sh" sep check_apps_root "$app_dirname" # find proper webroot where the site will be initialized. if [ -z "$app_dirname" ]; then # no dir was passed, so guess it. find_app_folder "$BASE_APPLICATION_PATH" else test_app_folder "$BASE_APPLICATION_PATH" "$app_dirname" fi exit_on_error "finding and testing app folder" # where we expect to find our checkout folder underneath. full_app_dir="$BASE_APPLICATION_PATH/$app_dirname" # use our default values for the repository and theme if they're not provided. if [ -z "$repo_name" ]; then repo_name="$app_dirname" fi echo "Repository: $repo_name" sep # this should set the site_store_path variable if everything goes well. update_repo "$full_app_dir" "$CHECKOUT_DIR_NAME" "$DEFAULT_REPOSITORY_ROOT" "$repo_name" exit_on_error "Updating the repository storage directory" sep update_composer_repository "$site_store_path" sep # now finally do the real check-in for our site. pushd "$site_store_path" &>/dev/null rcheckin sep echo "Finished checking in the site at ${app_dirname}."