#!/bin/bash # backs up a specific single directory by making an archive of it (tar.gz). # the storage location for the created archive is also specified. target_asset_path="$1"; shift archive_storage_path="$1"; shift archive_tag="$1"; shift if [ -z "$target_asset_path" -o -z "$archive_storage_path" ]; then echo Backups up a directory by creating a compressed archive of it in a storage echo location. echo Requires the path to the folder that will be backed up as the first parameter echo and the path to the archive storage directory as the second parameter. exit 1 fi # use a default archive tag if there was none provided. if [ -z "$archive_tag" ]; then archive_tag=folder fi sep='_' tar -czf "${archive_storage_path}/${archive_tag}_bkup_$(date +"%Y$sep%m$sep%d$sep%H%M$sep%S" | tr -d '/\n/').tar.gz" "$target_asset_path" &>>$TMP/${USER}.scripts.backup_arbitrary.log